Sunday, July 31


Realism is REALLY a scary thing.imagine walking somewhere and see something that looks exactly like you but it isn't real?scary..

Basically realism is something that is almost similar or a close identity of something real.Its resemblance is almost very close to a real image or anything.This and all could basically be seen on movies nowadays such as

failed realism(haha)

range of appearancesmannerisms, and/or behaviors subtly different from humanoidin an otherwise humanoid figure that may cause negative reactionssuch as fear,discomfort, or revulsion. 1970, Masahiro Mori, The Uncanny Valley. 

Now these are the scary part.its basically the part where realism isnt fun and cute anymore,but 
scary and real.Such as sex dolls,wax figures,prosthetic figures,and all.

But if we ever come across the uncanny valley experience,is the virtual reality a solution for us?is it there that we have to end up as a void to realism?

Friday, July 1


basically on this post i would just like to pick up McLuhans "medium is the massage" and relate it to things that i really like such as the beatles and john lennon. McLuhans medium is the massage/message basically means from my understanding is that the important part of a medium is the message it sents.not based on how or by what.for example, John Lennon and Yoko Ono  held two week-long Bed-Ins for Peace in Amsterdam and Montreal, which were their non-violent ways of protesting wars and promoting peace. all the want to promote was peace.and peace was the message. it wasnt meant to be how they do it,which is being in a bed for 2 weeks,many would think its impossible to spread peace,but relating it with McLuhan's theory it wasnt how they did its the message!

go to school for peace, or not go to school for peace. You can piss for peace – whatever you do, do it for peace- John Lennon

As for the Beatles,in their song All You Need is Love the message was LOVE LOVE LOVE!its all about LOVE.As a perfect example,the music video was done as the first live global television link for Britain.and the message was just simple.the opening song was started with the La Marseillaise which was the National anthem of France with the understanding of the hatred among Britain and France since war.By giving the message,Love and starting of the song by the La Marseillaise shows that love is all you need not wasnt a proper or most convincing way to approach peace between two countries but as what medium is the massage as the message is sent despite of how it was sent