Monday, August 22


well we had a 2 lesson with a guest lecturer that came down to our college.I missed the first one but managed to go for the second set. Even though it takes up our Friday off day,but it was worth it.What really catch me with the talk the other day was stereotyping.I could actually relate to it because i get stereotyped a lot in class for being Indian surrounded by 99% Chinese student and always get the racist black joke on me.but its alright.never did take it too serious.but as for the part of what the guest lecturer thought us.It wasn't  joke around with the stereotyping that was held upon the african community that was taken as slaves by the western society.For a very good example the lecturer gave was about the Pear Soap ad.

I wonder what would they think about asians?

But in label to western civilization,they knew more hence they can do more.haha.But the stereotyping should had stop then and there.eventhough many parts of the western culture had accepted other culture,stereotyping and racial statements are still everywhere now,from what i have observe from the internet,its seems "fun" to make jokes about this

the stereotyping or racial statement was just put upon the black people but also towards other races as well:

well basically the whole stereotyping and racial statement to me is the whole matter of cause of misunderstanding hence creating disbelieves and hence war.Were somehow living in a state achieving modern are.with statements like this that holds us back from creating modernity.The stereotyping and racial statements should had been left back where it starts but yet we still bring it to day.But the funny fact that its widely used among youngsters this days,who and where would they learn this from?parents?grandparents?are these the things we should teach?are the still in the state of mind that there isn't equality among different cultures?.but the fact that we should educate the next generation somehow been overcome with the idea to make fun of it. example that kids or the younger generation tends to hold on entertainment so much.much of their information or inspirations come from watching television and surfing the net.But if movies such as below and information like this are on the television and the net,and it seems legit and ok to make fun of,would they know its wrong?

this post is specially made for all those people with your stereotype and racist jokes that was done upon me.Im not even mad,because to know that you have a weak mentality.


Thursday, August 18


well basically I had a very hard to differentiating Modernism and Modernity.Its not that hard,just forgot which one falls in which.haha

Modernism basically carries the meaning something that isnt from the norm. In art direction style,cubism,surrealism, dada and all.Let me give you an example from the Beatles. They were all 4 young man in suits playing their instruments clean cut hair and all,just like how the guys your parents wants you to date. But placing them on the sgt peppers lonely heart club band figures,we could actually see a sense of Modernism in here

where else for modernity i would really talk about Charles Darwin. Being an atheist myself I somehow to believe on Charles Darwin's Evolution theory.

Basically what C.Darwin says that human evolves from this to this:
where else most religions believe that we were sons of god.We came from god and the whole thing im not too sure about depending on ones religion. so basically this is moderity.