Thursday, May 26

Introduction to media,history and culture

The first topic that was discussed in Media culture& History class was  the introduction to media,history and culture.

What is media? e.g of media-
  • Advertising media, various media, content, buying and placement for advertising
  • Broadcast media, communications delivered over mass electronic communication networks
  • Digital media, electronic media used to store, transmit, and receive digitized information
  • Electronic media, communications delivered via electronic or electromechanical energy
  • Hypermedia, media with hyperlinks
  • Mass media, all means of mass communications
  • Multimedia, communications that incorporate multiple forms of information content and processing
  • New media, a broad term encompassing the amalgamation of traditional media with the interactive power of computer and communications technology
  • News media, mass media focused on communicating news
  • News media (United States), the news media of the United States of America
  • Print media, communications delivered via paper or canvas
  • Published media, any media made available to the public
  • Recording media, devices used to store information
  • Social media, media disseminated through social interaction

BUT what does media really means?
 Media are generally understood as technical processes and/or devices involved in acts of communication.The origin of the word 'medium is in the Latin medius, meaning 'middle'. It brings different meaning as how it is seen or understood as.

Media as it entered the English language in the 16th century,and it sense  of referring to something useful in any attempt to provide definition.

But since it came from the word 'medium'.what does medium mean?

medium- something which forms a link between one place/person and another(think of the spritiul medium in a séance,supposedly connecting the worlds of the living and the dead.)

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