Tuesday, June 21


this topic is actually one of the hardest topic for me to understand so far.but bit by bit i was able to hold of it.What structuralism means is how me collect and divide or group our thoughts or ideas. any possible way to form a structure.

Structuralism argues that there is no single true way of seeing or understanding the world - there are many different, equally valid ways of seeing or understanding the world
the key is that we are all shaped by our cultural background - therefore our way of seeing and understanding the world is culturally determined(took from the slides)
i took the following above from the slides my lecturer gave because it basically explains how the way i would want the readers to understand.anyway, structuralism came from 3 different angles which is Linguistics,Narratology,Anthropology.
one of the main point in understanding structuralism is by knowing what binary opposition is.which basically brings the meaning that everything has an opposite of it. such as magnets,the poles,male and female,good and evil, black and white and so on..

but there are parts that shows that everything isnt divided just like that.there is something in between

which really leads to me that nothing is divided actually,there is something inbetween that connects both parts.which also relates to post structuralism which brings the meaning that there isnt difference.
following are just pictures to sum up the whole topic.im sorry if i've mislead you,this is basically my understand of it.

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